
From Mashinky
Revision as of 13:02, 29 December 2017 by Psojed (talk | contribs) (Processed Materials: Timber->Goods (at factory ext.), Coal Tokens, Iron Tokens (at workshop ext.) | Iron->Goods (at factory ext.), Timber Tokens (at factory ext.))
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Materials are the goods that need to transported between various buildings on the map to produce Processed Materials or Tokens. Basic Materials are produced by Resources, which are located in randomly generated locations on the map, The resource buildings that produce them require no other Materials in order to operate.

Commercial Materials are produced by various Buildings within Towns, these Materials then need transporting to a different Town. Once delivered, Commercial Materials typically generate Money Tokens Token money.png.

Basic Materials

Material Resource Building Used to Create
Icon logs.png Logs
  • Timber Icon timber.png
  • Money Tokens Token money.png
Icon coal.png Coal
  • Iron Icon iron.png
  • Timber Icon timber.png
  • Coal Tokens Token coal.png
Icon iron ore.png Iron Ore
  • Iron Icon iron.png
Icon oil.png Crude Oil
  • Diesel Icon diesel.png
  • Goods Icon goods.png
  • Money Tokens Token money.png

Processed Materials

Material Production Building Used To Create Produced From
Icon timber.png Timber
  • Coal Icon coal.png
  • Iron Ore Icon iron ore.png
  • Goods Icon goods.png
  • Timber Tokens Token timber.png
  • Coal Tokens Token coal.png
  • Iron Tokens Token iron.png
  • Logs Icon logs.png

Icon iron.png Iron

  • Goods Icon goods.png
  • Timber Tokens Token timber.png
  • Iron Tokens Token iron.png
  • Coal Icon coal.png + Iron Ore Icon iron ore.png
Icon goods.png Goods
  • Money Tokens Token money.png
  • Crude Oil Icon oil.png
  • Diesel Icon diesel.png
  • Timber Icon timber.png + Iron Icon iron.png
Icon diesel.png Diesel
  • Goods Icon goods.png
  • Diesel Tokens Token diesel.png
  • Crude Oil Icon oil.png

Commercial Materials

Material Resource Building Used To Create
Icon passengers.png Passengers
  • Money Tokens Token money.png
Icon mail.png Mail
  • Money Tokens Token money.png
Icon goods.png Goods
  • Money Tokens Token money.png