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Tokens are the currency used in the game to purchase engines, wagons, Building Extensions and Maintenance of Engines. They are produced by Industry and Town buildings. All purchasable items in the game will require one or more of the types of currency to purchase. As the Ages progress in the game, more types of tokens are made available, with each successive type of token becoming harder to produce, requiring multiple processes in order to obtain the materials necessary to produce the Tokens.

Some Tokens share their name with a type of Material needed to produce them (Timber Token vs. Timber). Be careful not to confuse Tokens with Materials, the Tokens are always depicted with a coin-like icon.

Currently available Tokens

Token Available in Era Source Buildings Basic Materials Processed Materials
Token money.png Money I
  • Passengers Icon passengers.png
  • Mail Icon mail.png
  • Logs Icon logs.png
  • Crude Oil Icon oil.png
  • Goods Icon goods.png
Token timber.png Timber I
  • Coal Icon coal.png
  • Timber Icon timber.png
  • Iron Icon iron.png
Token coal.png Coal I
  • Coal Icon coal.png
  • Timber Icon timber.png
  • Iron Icon iron.png
Token iron.png Iron II
  • Coal Icon coal.png
  • Timber Icon timber.png
  • Iron Icon iron.png
Token diesel.png Diesel III None
  • Diesel Icon diesel.png