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Forest Default Model.PNG

The Forest is the primary source of Logs(Icon logs.png), which are used by Sawmills in order to produce Timber(Icon timber.png). One of the extensions to the Forest will alow it to also produce a limited amount of Coal(Icon coal.png). All the resources that the forest produces can be transported by rail using Log Transporter Wagons and Coal Wagons


The base version of the Forest generates 1 log(Icon logs.png) per Game tick. Three extensions can be added to the forest in order to increase the Log(Icon logs.png) production of the forest, of these extensions the "Clearing" provides the largest overall increase in production. Meanwhile the Charcoal Kiln adds Coal(Icon coal.png) production to the forest, this extension is best used in conjunction with the "Steam Sawmill" extension of the Sawmill, as it supplies the building with the necessary coal to operate. With all the extensions added to the forest, it will produces roughly 3.16 Logs(Icon logs.png) and 1 Coal(Icon coal.png) per Game tick.


During the Deforestation Challenge, one of the forests in the map will produce 4 Logs(Icon logs.png) and 1 Coal(Icon coal.png) per tick, the challenge requires the player to remove 1000 Logs(Icon logs.png) from the selected forest, within 10 years of being issued the challenge.


Extension Information Consumes Produces No. of Ticks to Complete Building Tile Size
Forest Extensions Tree Nursery.PNG A special forest facility where growing

trees are sheltered from animals and the weather.

None 1 Log(Icon logs.png) 2 Ticks 2x1
Forest Extensions Lumberjacks Storage.PNG Storage of forest animal food and equipment

for forest management.

None 2 Logs(Icon logs.png) 3 Ticks 2x1
Forest Extensions Clearing.PNG A cleared area where felled logs are stored. None 1 Log(Icon logs.png) 1 Tick 2x1
Forest Extensions Charcoal Kiln.PNG Used to make charcoal by burning timber

without oxygen.

None 1 Coal(Icon coal.png) 1 Tick 1x1