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Sand Quarry

Revision as of 10:55, 29 January 2019 by Psojed (talk | contribs) (Extensions)

Sand Quarry Default.png

The Sand Quarry is the only source of Sand Icon sand.png. Sand can be sent for processing at the Steelworks together with Iron Icon iron.png and Coal Icon coal.png or Diesel Icon diesel.png to create Steel Icon steel.png.


The base version of the Sand Quarry generates 1 Sand Icon sand.png per Game tick. There are 2 extensions that can be built on adjacent tiles to the base building that improve the production of Sand Icon sand.png.


Extension Information Consumes Produces No. of Ticks to Complete Building Tile Size
Sand Quarry Sand Storage Details.png Sand Storage None 1 Sand Icon sand.png 2 Ticks 3x1
Sand Quarry Workers Accomodation Details.png Workers' Accommodation None 1 Sand Icon sand.png 1 Tick 2x1