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222 bytes added, 21:03, 5 February 2022
Correction of toyshop production
The base unit of the Sawmill consumes 3 Logs [[File:icon logs.png|16px|link=material]] and produces 2 Timber [[File:icon timber.png|16px|link=material]] every '''[[Game tick]]'''. Three of the extensions that can be added to the sawmill increase the capacity of the Log [[File:icon logs.png|16px|link=material]] to Timber [[File:icon timber.png|16px|link=material]] process. The fourth one, the Steam Sawmill provides a large production bonus however, it requires an additional resource of coal [[File:icon coal.png|16px|link=material]] to work. Last, but not least, the Toyshop extension adds a new process to the sawmill that converts Logs [[File:icon logs.png|16px|link=material]] into Money Tokens [[File:token money.png|16px|link=token]]. With all extensions added to a single sawmill, the building will consume roughly 9.13 Logs [[File:icon logs.png|16px|link=material]] and 1 Coal [[File:icon coal.png|16px|link=material]] while producing 8.43 Timber [[File:icon timber.png|16px|link=material]] and 2 Money Tokens [[File:token money.png|16px|link=token]] every [[Game tick|'''Ticktick''']].<br/>''Distance bonus'' - if the closest forest (not necessarily the one you are carrying the logs from) is more than 50 squares away (direct line distance), the sawmill will produce bonus Wood Token [[File:token timber.png|16px|link=Token]] for each 50 squares of distance.<br/>
Some of the buildings can be connected to the electrical network [[File:E_energy.png|16px|link=Electrification]] from Era 5 onward, which will increase their production. The amount of electrification production bonus (if applicable) is shown in the brackets at each extension.
| 80 [[File:token money.png|16px|link=Token]]<br/>50 [[File:token timber.png|16px|link=Token]]
| 1 [[File:icon logs.png|16px|link=Material]]
| 1 [[File:NA|16px|link=NA]] 2 [[File:token money.png|16px|link=Token]] + (1 [[File:NA|16px|link=NA]] 2 [[File:token money.png|16px|link=Token]])[[File:E_energy.png|16px|link=Electrification]]
| 1
| 1x1

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