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Game Settings

Revision as of 17:24, 16 January 2019 by Jan Zelený (talk | contribs) (Legend)

New game

New Game Settings.png


Setting Description Possible Values
Terrain Determines the visual appearance and the nature of the terrain..
Map Size of the map 128x128, 256x256, 512x512
Hills Density of hills on the generated map Low density, medium density, high density
Forests Density of forests (decorative, don't produce Logs) on the generated map Low density, medium density, high density
Industry Density of industry on the generated map Low density, medium density, high density
Towns Density of towns on the generated map Low density, medium density, high density
Lakes Density of Lakes on the generated map Low density, medium density, high density

The button "Recommended for your first game!" will set all the options above to the values, which is best to start to play with.


The advanced settings page lets the player customize their gaming experience even more by changing the amount of starting money, the available loan, interest rate and lots of train behaviours that make the game harder or easier. At the moment some of the options are not editable and are not used by the game.


Setting Description Possible Values
Difficulty Selecting on of those three presets will adjust the other advanced options to make the game easy, medium or hard difficulty. Changing settings manually will set this to custom. Easy, Medium, Hard
Tutorial Enables the tutorial at the start of the game. Enabled, Disabled
Random quests Generates random quests instead of the game story mode (era progression quests are unaffected). Enabled, Disabled
Era progression method Determines how the game proceeds to the next era - either by the player paying tokens, reaching a specific date, or either one. Pay, Date, Pay or Date
Starting loan Loan amount at the start of a game. 500, 1000, 2000, 5000
Additional loan Maximum amount above the starting loan a player can borrow. 0, 1000, 5000, 10000
Loan interest The amount that is paid yearly for every 100 money tokens borrowed. 1, 2, 5, 10
Fuel cost Multiplier for cost of fuel. A higher multiplier makes the operating cost of each train more expensive. Lower (Now it is not changeable)
Build cost Multiplier for cost of infrastructure. A higher multiplier makes building infrastructure more expensive. 0.5x (Now it is not changeable)
Terraform cost Multiplier for cost of terraforming. A higher multiplier makes terraforming terrain more expensive. 1x (Now it is not changeable)
Auto depot connection If enabled, automatically builds a connected railway to the depot. Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)
Reverse at stop signals If enabled, the train will automatically reverse at stop signals, when there is a red light and the waiting time is too long. Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)
Reverse at stations If enabled, the train will automatically reverse at the end of stations, when there is a better way to travel to the destination station. Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)
Reverse when hill too steep If enabled, the train will automatically reverse when the hill is too steep and the train hasn't got enough power to climb it. If disabled, the train only slows down and continues. Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)
Stop trains if no money If enabled, the trains will automatically stop when there is no money to maintenance them. If disabled, the train only slows down. Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)
Trains reverse at the end of line If enabled, the trains will be automatically reversed at the end of line. If disabled, the trains will start to go backwards with the speed and acceleration limitations. Enabled, Disabled
Only one depot If enabled, the game will contain only one depot for the whole map. If disabled, you can use as many depots as you wish. Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)