The advanced settings page lets the player customize their gaming experience even more by changing the amount of starting money, the available loan, interest rate and lots of train behaviours that make the game harder or easier. At the moment some of the options are not editable.
Please note, since the game is in Early Access at this time, these settings are being updated and/or changed quite often. It is possible that the in-game settings have more parameters or different look than this wiki page. This page has been lastly updated on '''Oct 23, 2021'''
{| class="wikitable transformable"
! Setting
| Selecting on of those three presets will adjust the other advanced options to make the game easy, normal or hard difficulty. Changing settings manually will set this to custom.
| Easy, Normal, Hard
| '''Quests and subsidies'''
| Tutorial
| Enables the tutorial quests at the start of and also later during the game.
| Enabled, Disabled
| Random quests
| Generates random quests instead of the game story mode (in addition to era progression quests are unaffected).Please note - if disabled some special quest industries and all rare trains will be unavailable for the whole playthrough
| Enabled, Disabled
| Era progression method
| Pay, Date, Pay or Date
| '''Cargo'''
| Passenger destination
| If disabled, trains and buses load to full capacity and disembark ALL passengers at the next station. If enabled, both '''passengers''' and '''mail''' are being automatically transferred between trains and buses (mail trucks) to reach the desired destination. See [[Passenger Destinations]] for more details
| '''Tokens'''
| Starting loan
| Loan amount at the start of a game.
| Fuel cost
| Multiplier for cost of fuel. The "higher" cost roughly triples almost quadruples the indicated "normal" fuel costs. See [[Operating Costs|'''Operating Cost''']] for the full explanation. "Disabled" means trains and trucks run for free.
| Default, Higher, Disabled
| Build costMaintenance according to age| Multiplier for If enabled, the older the vehicle/train is, the higher is the fuel/operating cost of infrastructure. A higher multiplier makes building infrastructure more expensiveSee [[Vehicle Aging|'''Vehicles Aging''']] for full explanation| Enabled, Disabled|} [[File:advanced-settings_2.png|600px]] {| class="wikitable transformable"! Setting! Description! Possible Values|-| '''Infrastructure'''|| 1x (Now it is not changeable)
| Terraform costAutoleveling of the terrain| Multiplier for cost If "Enabled", while you building tracks by drag and drop, the terrain underneath will level up automatically if needed. When disabled, you'll get error message of terraformingnot being able to build tracks on too steep or rocky terrain. A higher multiplier makes terraforming Please note, the autoleveling is limited to minor (1-2 height levels) changes. If large terrain more expensiveup/down leveling is needed, you have to do it manually.| 1x (Now it is not changeable)Enabled, Disabled
| Auto depot connection
| If enabled, automatically builds a connected railway to the depot.
| Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)|-| Only one depot| If enabled, the game will contain only one depot for trains and one depot for road vehicles for the whole map. The setting cannot be separated for trains and road vehicles and cannot be changed during the whole playthrough. If disabled, you can use as many depots as you wish.| Enabled, Disabled|-| '''Change Drive Direction'''||
| Reverse at stop signals
| If enabled, the train will automatically reverse at stop signals, when there is a red light and the waiting time is too longif the track is bi-directional.| Enabled, Disabled (Now it is not changeable)
| Reverse at stations
| Reverse when hill too steep
| If enabled, the train will automatically reverse when the hill is too steep and the train hasn't got enough power to climb it(aka the train is overweight). If disabled, the train only slows down and continues.
| Enabled, Disabled
{| class="wikitable transformable"
! Setting
! Description
! Possible Values
| '''Vehicles'''
| Stop trains if no money
| If enabled, the trains will automatically stop when there is no money (or other fuel tokens) to maintenance them. If disabled, the train only slows down.
| Enabled, Disabled
| Trains reverse at the end of lineMagic Flip| If enabled, the trains will perform "magic flip" at the end of line or anytime player presses "reverse" button in the train info window. If disabled, the trains will start going backwards with the speed and acceleration limitations(unless there is engine on both ends of the train).| Enabled, Disabled|-| Rust visible| If "Enabled", the vehicles will become rusty as they age, if "disabled", the vehicles look like new even hundreds years old
| Enabled, Disabled
| Only one depot'''Towns'''|||-| Relocate demolished buildings| If enabled"Enabled", a new house is immediately built (in the game will contain only same town) after a player demolishes one depot for the whole map. If disabled"Disabled", the level of town lowers when player demolishes a house, you can use as many depots as you wishand new (lower) threshold for leveling is set. New building appears only after this new threshold is reached.
| Enabled, Disabled
|-| Town Names Set| A player can select a country from where the names of the towns on the map are chosen.| Menu list
[[Category:Game Settings]]