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84 bytes added, 12:00, 16 October 2017
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{{Game Manual}}
==Passenger Wagons==
===Timber Wagons===
Timber wagons are used to transport raw timber from [[Forest|forestry ]] locations to the saw mills[[Sawmill|sawmills]].
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===Plank Wagons===
Plank wagons take the timber planks produced by the saw mill Sawmill and either transport them to the [[Toolworks ]] to be converted into timber tokens or to [[Coal Mine|coal ]] and [[Iron Ore Mine|ore mines ]] to increase their productivity.
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===Coal Wagons===
Coal wagons are used to transport Coal from Coal Mines and Forestries with charcoal ovens. It is then taken to either; : [[Foundry|Iron Foundries ]] (for making iron), Toolworks (for converting to coal tokens) or to Sawmills (to increase productivity).
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===Iron Ore Wagons===
Iron Ore wagons are used to carry Iron Ore from the mine to the Iron Foundary Foundry for smelting into Iron Ingots.
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