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Operating Costs

718 bytes added, 13:26, 24 October 2021
Vehicle operating cost costs (or fuel consumption) depends on several factors:* [[Engines|Vehicle type]]* Fuel cost preset on [[Base Cost, Game Settings]] page* Age of the vehicle, and Vehicle Ageing.
===Vehicle types=Base Cost ==Each train engine has a base cost, shown in depot on the vehicle purchase tab and on the info tab in the train window. Base cost is shown '''doubled''' if [[Game Settings|fuel Road vehicles all have the same base cost]] is set to '''Higher'''of 1 Cash Token.
How often you pay this base cost determines the true cost of running an engine or vehicle: see ==Game Settings==The operating costs are disabled entirely if [[Vehicle AgingGame Settings|fuel cost]] for the full explanationis set to '''Disabled'''. The base cost is '''doubled''' if it is set to '''Higher''', a setting that also accelerates fuel consumption (see below).
The effects of ageing (see the next section) is enabled by default, but you can set [[Game Settings|Maintenance according to age]] to '''Disabled'''. ==Vehicle Ageing==How often you pay this base cost determines the true cost of running an engine or vehicle. In short, when a locomotive is brand new, you pay this cost every 5 [[game tick]]s (assuming the fuel cost game setting is set to Default). However, if you run the locomotive for fifty years without [[Renovation and Upgrade|renovating]] it, you now pay this cost ''every'' game tick - a fivefold increase in fuel consumption! See [[Vehicle Aging]] for the full explanation. == Notes ===* Operating cost applies only to the engine, the ; wagons are (at this time) maintenance free.
* The operating cost applies to each engine in a train separately and independently. There are no costs or discounts for double-heading, for instance: you just have to pay twice as much for using two locomotives.
* Engines only cost money and resources when they are running. Not when stopped, either manually or when sent to a Depot.