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Mashinky β


Getting Started

14 bytes added, 11:16, 12 July 2021
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After your income is secured, start building the supply chains for other [[Token|Tokens]], of which there is many but you start with just two: coal [[File:token coal.png|16px]] and timber [[File:token timber.png|16px]]. Coal trains ([[Coal Mine]] -> [[Toolworks]]) are important, because Coal [[Token|Tokens]] are consumed by the more powerful steam trains as fuel, until the Diesel trains become available. Also many different extensions cost Coal [[Token|Tokens]] to build. Timber chain ([[Forest]] -> [[Sawmill]] -> [[Toolworks]]) is also very important for extensions. Later on, there will be many usages for timber tokens, and you'll end up using thousands and thousands of them. Build them in any order you see fit. Don't forget to complete quests during your gameplay, as you will gain rewards as well as open new quests. Now, it is your turn to create a big transport company!
Finally, a note about progressing through the game: There is a quest that grants you access to each new era by paying tokens, but per default [[Game Settings|game settings]], you'll get the new Era after ten years automatically (even if you don't complete the quest). Each new era brings new locomotives that are faster and/or more powerful and at least one new industry and its associated freight tokens. A new Era also often improves existing industries by making new extensions available, so don't forget to check the Extension tab when you click on an industry. (To take one example: Sawmills will get steam-powered sawing in a later era to allow you to process more logs [[File:icon logs.png|16px]] to lumber [[File:icon timber.png|16px]] if you supply the sawmill with a moderate amount of coal [[File:icon coal.png|16px]]. As luck would have it, forests will offer the "charcoal kiln" extension so you might fulfill this need by adding a couple of coal cars to the end of your existing logs trains - if they can handle the extra load...)
Good luck!