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(Adding pictures section, added res-img CSS class with usage example)
(17 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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'''Help page for contribution to Mashinky wiki.'''
'''Help page for contribution to Mashinky wiki.'''
Before editing, it's good to read the following text. We want the Mashinky Wiki to be an up-to-date and clear source of information about the game and everything around it. Therefore, the following rules must be respected.
The Mashinky Wiki is governed by wiki rules, which means that registered users can edit most pages and instantly improve articles for all readers. Unlike Wikipedia, however, editing by unregistered users is disabled. Anyone can register - just [[Special:CreateAccount|Register]] and confirm your registration via email afterwards. All pages will have the Edit button hidden until you finish the registration process.
There are pages like the [[Main Page]] that are protected from editing even from registered users, however. Protected pages have a tab <code>View&nbsp;source</code> instead of <code>Edit</code>.  If you need to edit a protected page or if you need any other help, please contact the Wiki Editors via [ Discord] or on their [[User_talk:Psojed|Talk]] page.
Before editing, it's good to read the following text. We want the Mashinky Wiki to be an up-to-date and clear source of information about the game and everything around it. Therefore, the following rules must be respected.
===Creating a page===
The Mashinky Wiki is governed by wiki rules, which means that anyone can edit any unprotected page and instantly improve articles for all readers. Just register.
Before creating a page, make sure that the topic is not already in the wiki. The topic can exist under a different name. In addition, the page should be categorized correctly. See also page editing.
However, there are pages like the [[Main Page]] that are protected from editing. Protected pages have a tab <code>View&nbsp;source</code> instead of <code>Edit</code>. If you need to edit a protected page, please contact one of the [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|Administrators]].
If you need any other help, contact one of the [[Special:ListUsers/editors|Editors]] on their <code>Talk</code> page.
===Editing a page===
Editing most pages is easy. We use the [ wiki markup] (wikitext) to format the text. This is used to tag links, insert images, tables, quotes, etc. The easiest way to use it is to look at an existing page where there is similar content to what you want to create. The pages should look as uniform as possible.
In any case, it is necessary to edit the pages so that the encyclopedic style is preserved. The content should give readers insight, be on topic and be without personal opinions. If you use a source of information from a source other than the game itself, it is ideally necessary to list the source of this information so that it is easily traceable and verifiable.
It is strongly recommended that you copy the original page code into an external text editor, preferably without formatting - such as Notepad. In case something goes wrong, you can immediately return the original page layout. It is also a good idea to keep your edits up to date. For example, when a browser crashes, it can save you a lot of work when you have secured it.
====Minor edits====
Marking edits as Minor means that you've only made minor edits on the page. These are changes that do not change the content of the article. It can be grammar repair, changes to text formatting, etc. The editors are aware that this change does not need to be thoroughly checked. However, these changes are important and valued. They make articles better.
===Založení stránky===
====Major edits====
All other adjustments, even if it were a single word that changes the meaning of an article, are considered as fundamental modifications.
Do not worry about editing, but think well before you make alterations. If there is a discussion about the article, it is good to take into account the opinions of other users and their proposed modifications. Remember that larger adjustments will be reviewed and reflect the current needs of both community and game itself. If you do not respect the above rules, you will increase the chance that your edits will be rejected or redesigned to match the needs of this wiki.
Před založením stránky si vždy zkontrolujte, zda na stránkách wiki ještě není. Případně její obdoba pod jiným názvem. Dále je třeba stránku správně kategorizovat. Dále viz editace stránky.
Before you save the page, use <code>Show&nbsp;preview</code> to make sure the page looks exactly the way you want. Fill in a short summary of your editing in the Summary field below the editor. If you have done this, click the <code>Save&nbsp;page</code> button to store the page. Your edits to the page will now be visible for other users.
===Editace stránky===
===Adding links===
If you are referring to content in another part of the wiki, it is good to refer to that page by creating a link. For more information see [ Links and URLs].
Úprava většiny stránek je jednoduchá. K formátování textu požíváme [ wiki markup] (wikitext). Slouží k označení odkazů, vložení obrázků, tabulek, citací atd.
===Adding pictures, videos, and sounds===
Nejsnažší způsob je podívat se do již existující stránky, kde je obdobný obsah, který chcete vytvořit. Stránky by měli vypadat pokud možno jednotně.
Before adding multimedia files, make sure it is not already in the wiki. To add media to the wiki use [[Special:Upload|Upload file]].  
V každém případě je třeba editovat stránky tak, aby byl zachován encyklopedický styl. S nadhledem, věcně, bez osobních názorů. Pakliže používáte zdroj informací z jiného zdroje, než je samotná hra, je ideálně třeba vypsat i zdroj těchto informací, aby byly snadno dohledatelné a ověřitelné.
You can use media in pages with the syntax: <code><nowiki>[[File:FILENAME.EXT|thumb|DESCRIPTION]]</nowiki></code>".
Rozhodně doporučujeme zkopírovat původní kód stránky do externího textového editoru, nejlépe bez formátování - například do Notepadu. V případě, že se něco pokazí, můžete hned vrátit původní podobu stránky. Stejně tak je vhodné ukládat si průběžně svoje úpravy. Například při spadnutí prohlížeče vám to může zachránit hodně práce.
====Minor edit====
Označením Minor edit se rozumí, že jste na stránce provedli jen minimální úpravy. Oprava gramatiky, změny ve formátování textu, atd. Změny, které ale nemění obsah článku. Editorům dáváte na vědomí, že tuto změnu není třeba důkladně kontrolovat. Nicméně i tyto změny jsou důležité a ceněné. Dovádějí články k lepší podobě.
====Major edit====
For displaying images it is preferable to replace "<code>File:</code>" with "<code>Image:</code>", but both work. More information: [ Images]
Všechny ostatní úpravy, i kdyby se jednalo o jedno slovo, které mění význam článku, jsou považovány za zásadní úpravy.  
Nebojte se úprav, ale dobře si rozmyslete, než takovou úpravu provedete. Pakliže existuje k danému článku diskuze, je dobré zohlednit i názory ostatních uživatelů a jimi navrhované úpravy. Pamatujte na to, že větší úpravy budou zkontrolovány a reflektuje současné potřeby jak komunity, tak samotné hry. Pakliže nebudete respektovat výše zmíněná pravidla, zvýšíte tím šanci, že vaše editace bude odmítnuta, případně přepracována, aby odpovídala potřebám této wiki.
Před uložením stránky si zobrazte <code>Show&nbsp;preview</code> a zkontrolujte, že stránka vypadá přesně tak jak chcete. Dále vyplňte krátké shrnutí vaší editace v malém poli pod editorem. Pokud toto vše již máte hotové, klikněte na tlačítko <code>Save&nbsp;page</code>. Veškeré úpravy budou v tu chvíli viditelné pro ostatní uživatele.
Wide images might collide with the sidebar used on some pages, this can be solved by using the <code>res-img</code> CSS class. This will automatically adjust the wide image for users on smaller screen resolutions.<br>
Example: <code><nowiki><div class="res-img">[[File:FILENAME.EXT|thumb|DESCRIPTION]]</div></nowiki></code>
===Přidávání odkazů===
===Discussion pages===
Pakliže se zmiňujete o obsahu v jiné části wiki, je dobré na tuto stránku odkázat. Více viz [ Links and URLs]
===Přidávání obrázků, videí a zvuků===
Each article on the Wiki has a discussion page that can be accessed by clicking on the <code>Talk</code> tab located above the title. Here users can discuss about improving the article. If you make a change that is returned or changed by someone else, discuss the change on the discussion page! There can always be a compromise. Respect the opinions of others, be polite. Others may be right, and your truth is not always the best. Aggressive behavior and transcription of articles against the will of others will not be tolerated.
Pokud již byl soubor na wiki vložen, můžete ho použít pomocí syntaxe: <code><nowiki>[[File:FILENAME.EXT|thumb|DESCRIPTION]]</nowiki></code>". ("<code>File:</code>" může být nahrazeno "<code>Image:</code>". Na funkčnost to nemá žádný vliv, jde jen o to, co používáte raději. Nicméně pro obrázky je vhodnější používat <code>Image:</code>).
Přidat obrázek lze na stránce [[Special:Upload|Upload file]]. Opět, před přidáváním obrázku si ověřte, že obrázek na wiki nevložil již někdo před vámi.  
Více viz: [ Images]
===Diskusní stránky===
Most other types of Wiki pages also have associated forums, including a user page. If other editors need to contact you, they usually do this by leaving a message on your discussion page. When someone leaves you a message, you will see a notification to inform you about this.
Každý článek na Wiki má stránku pro diskuzi, k níž se dostanete kliknutím na kartu <code>Talk</code> nacházející se nad nadpisem. Tam mohou uživatelé diskutovat o vylepšení článku. Pokud provedete změnu, která je vrácena, či změněna někým jiným, diskutujte o změně na stránce pro diskusi! Vždy se dá dojít ke kompromisu. Respektujte názory ostatních, buďte slušní. I ostatní mohou mít pravdu a ne vždy je vaše pravda ta nejlepší. Agresivní chování a přepisování článků proti vůli ostatních nebude tolerováno.
Sign your posts in discussions using four tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). This will create your signature, consisting of a username and a Time and Date stamp.
Většina ostatních typů stránek na Wiki má také přidružené diskusní stránky, včetně stránky uživatele. Pokud vás ostatní redaktoři potřebují kontaktovat, obvykle to udělají tím, že zanechají vzkaz na vaší diskusní stránce. Když vám někdo ponechal zprávu, uvidíte upozornění při dalším načtení stránky jakékoliv stránky.
=== Resource Icon list===
Podepisujte své příspěvky v diskuzích pomocí čtyř tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). Toto vytvoří váš podpis složený z uživatelského jména a časového a datového razítka.  
Wherever you mention raw materials, products, or tokens please use relevant icons. The recommended icon size in the text is 16px. You add a token or icon by using file names within brackets like so: <nowiki>[[File:icon timber.png|16px]]</nowiki> to say [[File:icon timber.png|16px]].
=== Resource Icon list===
Here's an example line, first how it looks like on the page, and then how you would write it in wiki markup code:
'''Example''': 1 Coal Token [[File:token coal.png|16px]], 2 Timber Tokens [[File:token timber.png|16px]][[File:token timber.png|16px]], and 3 Iron Tokens [[File:token iron.png|16px]][[File:token iron.png|16px]][[File:token iron.png|16px]].
Wherever you mention raw materials, products, or tokens please use relevant icons. The recommended icon size in the text is 16px.
<nowiki>'''Example''': 1 Coal Token [[File:token coal.png|16px]], 2 Timber Tokens [[File:token timber.png|16px]][[File:token timber.png|16px]], and 3 Iron Tokens [[File:token iron.png|16px]][[File:token iron.png|16px]][[File:token iron.png|16px]].</nowiki>
'''Example''': 1 Coal Token ([[File:token coal.png|16px]]), 1 Timber Token ([[File:token timber.png|16px]]), 1 Iron Token ([[File:token iron.png|16px]])
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Image !! Image name !! Category
! Image !! Image name !! Code to use !! Category
| [[File:token money.png]] || token money.png || <nowiki>[[File:token money.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token money.png]] || token money.png || Tokens
| [[File:token timber.png]] || token timber.png || <nowiki>[[File:token timber.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token timber.png]] || token timber.png || Tokens
| [[File:token coal.png]] || token coal.png || <nowiki>[[File:token coal.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token coal.png]] || token coal.png || Tokens
| [[File:token iron.png]] || token iron.png || <nowiki>[[File:token iron.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token iron.png]] || token iron.png || Tokens
| [[File:token diesel.png]] || token diesel.png || <nowiki>[[File:token diesel.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token diesel.png]] || token diesel.png || Tokens
| [[File:token steel.png]] || token steel.png || <nowiki>[[File:token steel.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token steel.png]] || token steel.png || Tokens
| [[File:token energy.png]] || token energy.png || <nowiki>[[File:token energy.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token energy.png]] || token energy.png || Tokens
| [[File:token cement.png]] || token cement.png || <nowiki>[[File:token cement.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token cement.png]] || token cement.png || Tokens
| [[File:token superconductors.png]] || ''token superconductors.png'' || <nowiki>[[File:token superconductors.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Tokens
| [[File:token superconductors.png]] || token superconductors.png || Tokens
| [[File:icon passengers.png]] || icon passengers.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon passengers.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon passengers.png]] || icon passengers.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon mail.png]] || icon mail.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon mail.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon mail.png]] || icon mail.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon oil.png]] || icon oil.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon oil.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon oil.png]] || icon oil.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon goods.png]] || icon goods.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon goods.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon uranium.png]] || icon uranium.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon uranium.png]] || ''icon uranium.png'' || <nowiki>[[File:icon uranium.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon logs.png]] || icon logs.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon logs.png]] || icon logs.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon logs.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon timber.png]] || icon timber.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon timber.png]] || icon timber.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon timber.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon diesel.png]] || icon diesel.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon diesel.png]] || icon diesel.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon diesel.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon iron ore.png]] || icon iron ore.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon iron ore.png]] || icon iron ore.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon iron ore.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon coal.png]] || icon coal.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon coal.png]] || icon coal.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon coal.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon cobblestone.png]] || icon cobblestone.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon cobblestone.png]] || icon cobblestone.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon cobblestone.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types (is "limestone" in game)
| [[File:icon iron.png]] || icon iron.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon iron.png]] || icon iron.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon iron.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon steel.png]] || icon steel.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon steel.png]] || icon steel.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon steel.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon superconductors.png]] || icon superconductors.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon superconductors.png]] || ''icon superconductors.png'' || <nowiki>[[File:icon superconductors.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon energy.png]] || icon energy.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon energy.png]] || icon energy.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon energy.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon cement.png]] || icon cement.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon cement.png]] || icon cement.png || <nowiki>[[File:icon cement.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon cobalt.png]] || icon cobalt.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon cobalt.png]] || ''icon cobalt.png'' || <nowiki>[[File:icon cobalt.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
| [[File:icon gold.png]] || icon gold.png || Cargo types
| [[File:icon gold.png]] || ''icon gold.png'' || <nowiki>[[File:icon gold.png|16px]]</nowiki> || Cargo types
Entries in ''italics'', while in the game files, are not yet supported. For instance, there are no superconductors actually possible to use yet.

Latest revision as of 01:16, 20 January 2024

Help page for contribution to Mashinky wiki.

Before editing, it's good to read the following text. We want the Mashinky Wiki to be an up-to-date and clear source of information about the game and everything around it. Therefore, the following rules must be respected.

The Mashinky Wiki is governed by wiki rules, which means that registered users can edit most pages and instantly improve articles for all readers. Unlike Wikipedia, however, editing by unregistered users is disabled. Anyone can register - just Register and confirm your registration via email afterwards. All pages will have the Edit button hidden until you finish the registration process.

There are pages like the Main Page that are protected from editing even from registered users, however. Protected pages have a tab View source instead of Edit. If you need to edit a protected page or if you need any other help, please contact the Wiki Editors via Discord or on their Talk page.


Creating a page

Before creating a page, make sure that the topic is not already in the wiki. The topic can exist under a different name. In addition, the page should be categorized correctly. See also page editing.

Editing a page

Editing most pages is easy. We use the wiki markup (wikitext) to format the text. This is used to tag links, insert images, tables, quotes, etc. The easiest way to use it is to look at an existing page where there is similar content to what you want to create. The pages should look as uniform as possible. In any case, it is necessary to edit the pages so that the encyclopedic style is preserved. The content should give readers insight, be on topic and be without personal opinions. If you use a source of information from a source other than the game itself, it is ideally necessary to list the source of this information so that it is easily traceable and verifiable. It is strongly recommended that you copy the original page code into an external text editor, preferably without formatting - such as Notepad. In case something goes wrong, you can immediately return the original page layout. It is also a good idea to keep your edits up to date. For example, when a browser crashes, it can save you a lot of work when you have secured it.

Minor edits

Marking edits as Minor means that you've only made minor edits on the page. These are changes that do not change the content of the article. It can be grammar repair, changes to text formatting, etc. The editors are aware that this change does not need to be thoroughly checked. However, these changes are important and valued. They make articles better.

Major edits

All other adjustments, even if it were a single word that changes the meaning of an article, are considered as fundamental modifications. Do not worry about editing, but think well before you make alterations. If there is a discussion about the article, it is good to take into account the opinions of other users and their proposed modifications. Remember that larger adjustments will be reviewed and reflect the current needs of both community and game itself. If you do not respect the above rules, you will increase the chance that your edits will be rejected or redesigned to match the needs of this wiki.

Before you save the page, use Show preview to make sure the page looks exactly the way you want. Fill in a short summary of your editing in the Summary field below the editor. If you have done this, click the Save page button to store the page. Your edits to the page will now be visible for other users.

Adding links

If you are referring to content in another part of the wiki, it is good to refer to that page by creating a link. For more information see Links and URLs.

Adding pictures, videos, and sounds

Before adding multimedia files, make sure it is not already in the wiki. To add media to the wiki use Upload file. You can use media in pages with the syntax: [[File:FILENAME.EXT|thumb|DESCRIPTION]]".

For displaying images it is preferable to replace "File:" with "Image:", but both work. More information: Images

Wide images might collide with the sidebar used on some pages, this can be solved by using the res-img CSS class. This will automatically adjust the wide image for users on smaller screen resolutions.
Example: <div class="res-img">[[File:FILENAME.EXT|thumb|DESCRIPTION]]</div>

Discussion pages

Each article on the Wiki has a discussion page that can be accessed by clicking on the Talk tab located above the title. Here users can discuss about improving the article. If you make a change that is returned or changed by someone else, discuss the change on the discussion page! There can always be a compromise. Respect the opinions of others, be polite. Others may be right, and your truth is not always the best. Aggressive behavior and transcription of articles against the will of others will not be tolerated.

Most other types of Wiki pages also have associated forums, including a user page. If other editors need to contact you, they usually do this by leaving a message on your discussion page. When someone leaves you a message, you will see a notification to inform you about this.

Sign your posts in discussions using four tildes (~~~~). This will create your signature, consisting of a username and a Time and Date stamp.

Resource Icon list

Wherever you mention raw materials, products, or tokens please use relevant icons. The recommended icon size in the text is 16px. You add a token or icon by using file names within brackets like so: [[File:icon timber.png|16px]] to say Icon timber.png.

Here's an example line, first how it looks like on the page, and then how you would write it in wiki markup code:

Example: 1 Coal Token Token coal.png, 2 Timber Tokens Token timber.pngToken timber.png, and 3 Iron Tokens Token iron.pngToken iron.pngToken iron.png.

'''Example''': 1 Coal Token [[File:token coal.png|16px]], 2 Timber Tokens [[File:token timber.png|16px]][[File:token timber.png|16px]], and 3 Iron Tokens [[File:token iron.png|16px]][[File:token iron.png|16px]][[File:token iron.png|16px]].

Image Image name Code to use Category
Token money.png token money.png [[File:token money.png|16px]] Tokens
Token timber.png token timber.png [[File:token timber.png|16px]] Tokens
Token coal.png token coal.png [[File:token coal.png|16px]] Tokens
Token iron.png token iron.png [[File:token iron.png|16px]] Tokens
Token diesel.png token diesel.png [[File:token diesel.png|16px]] Tokens
Token steel.png token steel.png [[File:token steel.png|16px]] Tokens
Token energy.png token energy.png [[File:token energy.png|16px]] Tokens
Token cement.png token cement.png [[File:token cement.png|16px]] Tokens
Token superconductors.png token superconductors.png [[File:token superconductors.png|16px]] Tokens
Icon passengers.png icon passengers.png [[File:icon passengers.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon mail.png icon mail.png [[File:icon mail.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon oil.png icon oil.png [[File:icon oil.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon goods.png icon goods.png [[File:icon goods.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon uranium.png icon uranium.png [[File:icon uranium.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon logs.png icon logs.png [[File:icon logs.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon timber.png icon timber.png [[File:icon timber.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon diesel.png icon diesel.png [[File:icon diesel.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon iron ore.png icon iron ore.png [[File:icon iron ore.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon coal.png icon coal.png [[File:icon coal.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon cobblestone.png icon cobblestone.png [[File:icon cobblestone.png|16px]] Cargo types (is "limestone" in game)
Icon iron.png icon iron.png [[File:icon iron.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon steel.png icon steel.png [[File:icon steel.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon superconductors.png icon superconductors.png [[File:icon superconductors.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon energy.png icon energy.png [[File:icon energy.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon cement.png icon cement.png [[File:icon cement.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon cobalt.png icon cobalt.png [[File:icon cobalt.png|16px]] Cargo types
Icon gold.png icon gold.png [[File:icon gold.png|16px]] Cargo types

Entries in italics, while in the game files, are not yet supported. For instance, there are no superconductors actually possible to use yet.