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335 bytes added, 22:27, 12 August 2023
no edit summary
== Mashinky modding == To add a mod, you need to create some new content (3d asset, industry chain, sound, etc.) and enlist it in [[game configuration files]]. You can also create [[scripts]]. Follow oe one of the cathegories bellow categories below to learn more about modding Mashinky and implementing mods into the game.
<div class="mainmenuCol" >
{| class=wikitable
!Configs Modding - configs and asset implementation
Under Construction[[Modding General | General information]] [[Config Train Engine | Config - Train engine]] [[Modding Sources | Sources]]
[[formats | 3d model file formatsGeneral information]]
More to follow[[Vertex paint | Vertex paint features]]
[[3dtools | Tools & Resources]]
<div class="mainmenuCol" >
Under construction[[2dgeneral | General information]] [[Diffuse maps | Diffuse/Color maps]] [[Normal maps | Normal maps]] [[Gloss maps | Gloss maps]] [[Snow mask | Snow/Rust masks]] [[Icons | Icons]] [[2D Tools | Tools & resources]]  
[[scripts | Scripts]]
More to follow

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